The Zodiac Cloth

Wrapped in the atmosphere of the Enlightenment, where rationality and reason try to navigate through the intricate folds of the irrational.

Here, in this secluded corner, an extraordinary work captures the attention of anyone who approaches: the Zodiac cloth.

In the twilight of the soft lights, the visitor is enveloped by the enigmatic atmosphere of the room.

A call to freedom of thought, to the discovery of new perspectives that open beyond known boundaries.

This is the story of an anomaly that arose in the heart of the Enlightenment era.

The room that houses this canvas, the King Zodiac Room, is a refuge for those who embrace the unknown and open themselves to possibilities beyond the laws of reason.

It is as if the artist wanted to preserve a flame of irrationality amid a sea of reason.

The irrational dances within this frame, challenge dogmas and offer an invitation to explore worlds that transcend human understanding.

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