The tiles of the kitchen

In the memory of a bygone time, lie the roots of a wandering soul, a deep connection between places and people.

The tiles of the kitchen, which we admire today with curious eyes, once crossed the walls of an old country house in Mercato San Severino, a former place of escape and rest for the family.

These artistic treasures belong to the heirs of an illustrious minister, whose name echoes in the pages of history.

Every stroke, every brushstroke tells the story of a family that has shaped the destinies of a nation.

These artistic treasures belong to the heirs of an illustrious minister, whose name echoes in the pages of history.

And who knows, perhaps it is only a coincidence that a town bears the name Sant’Angelo, as if angels were watching over this interweaving of stories and memories.

The old country house, once filled with laughter, moments of relaxation, and the sweetness of summer stays, has succumbed to the passing of time. But the tiles, silent guardians of the emotions and events of a family, have been recovered, saved from oblivion, and are now part of the kitchen.

Thus, these works of art take us back in time, to an era when summer stays were a ritual, bringing families from residence to residence to oversee properties and agricultural activities according to the seasons.

Among villas and estates, one can sense the grace and elegance of aristocratic life, where time seemed to flow more gently.

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